SOAP Research Survey Request 

If you are currently an Active Member type in SOAP (excluding Associate, Medical Student, Resident, Fellow) you may benefit from collecting information from other SOAP members to understand and improve clinical practice in the form of surveys. SOAP has developed a process to help guide the design of surveys sent to SOAP Members. Follow the steps below and if you experience any issues or have any questions, please contact us [email protected]. Please note: A $250 USD fee applies per survey, payable upon approval of the Research Committee. 

 Pre-Submission ChecklistStep 1. Complete Pre-Submission Checklist

To submit a survey for consideration, review the information for prospective
investigators and complete a Pre-Submission Checklist.




Step 2: Complete Survey Request Form 

Upon submission of checklist, requestor will be sent a Survey Request form to be completed. 





Peer Review of Survey RequestStep 3: Peer-Review of Survey Request  

All submissions will be reviewed by the SOAP Research Committee.  Member surveys will be reviewed twice a year, on March 1st and September 1st. Requestor will be notified of approval, or any revision required, within 4 weeks of survey submission. If a major revision is required, investigators should aim to respond to the reviewer comments within 4 weeks. Reviewers will aim to complete review of revisions within 4 weeks. If the survey is not approved, the requestors will be sent feedback outlining the concerns. 

Submissions will be scored based on: Relevance, Novelty, Study Design, and Impact/Alignment with SOAP’s mission

Post Approval Activities

Step 4: Post-Approval Activities

Once the SOAP Research Committee and IRB approvals are achieved, the requestor should send the survey, email text, logos/brand elements, and other relevant material to the staff. Click here for a sample email template you can use for your email and which contains a sample image of what the participants will see in their inbox.

It may take up to three weeks for members to receive the survey link following approval.

A $250 fee applies per survey, payable upon approval of the Research Committee. This fee includes up to two follow-up email reminders, from two to six weeks apart (at the discretion of requestor).

When publishing a survey study, a comprehensive guide for survey study reporting can be found in the consensus-based checklist for reporting of survey studies (CROSS):


Survey Distribution


Step 5. Survey Distribution  

SOAP will distribute survey link to all members. There will be two follow-up email reminders, from two to six weeks apart (at the discretion of requestor). 




Post-Survey Evaluation

Step 6. Post-Survey Evaluation

All survey requestors will be asked to complete a short questionnaire at the end of the survey study to help SOAP evaluate and improve the survey process.